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Maxer Host are committed to providing the latest software on our web servers for optimum performance and security.  PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is used by the vast majority of web sites hosted by Maxer Host. The table below contains a schedule outlining the lifespan for each PHP version.

Summary of the PHP lifespan

(a) Launch Date: We aim to launch a new PHP version as soon as possible after its general release date, but this depends on how quickly the new version is distributed by cPanel and CloudLinux. We encourage early adoption of new PHP versions; keep your software up to date at all times for the best performance and security.
(b) Active Support Until: This is the date when the PHP developers will no longer support the version, and this is an ideal deadline when you should stop using the PHP version on your website software.
(c) Security Support Until: This is the date when the PHP developers will still release bug fixes and patches, to help maintain the security of your PHP software. If you are using a PHP version after this date, your website software may be vulnerable to security threats and we strongly encourage you to update your website software to meet the compatibility requirements of a newer PHP version. (Note: On CloudLinux servers, they provide security patches for longer as part of their HardenedPHP service).
(d) Decommission Date: This is the final final final "end of life" for a PHP version, when it will be disabled across our servers and no longer available to use. If your website is using a PHP version where the decommissioning date is approaching, the likelihood is that your website is many years old and no longer a priority, the software should be updated or the website should be deleted. 
We aim for the typical life span of each PHP version to be approximately 5 years.

Select your own PHP Version

Almost all PHP settings can be managed via the cPanel control panel, including the PHP version, PHP extensions, and custom PHP variables. Login to your cPanel hosting control panel and look for the option "Select a PHP Version" (on CloudLinux servers) or "MultiPHP Manager" (on MultiPHP servers).
Here is a useful guide:

PHP Version Launch Date (please read above)* Active Support Until Security Support Until Decommission Date
8.2 (stable) Installed 24 Mar 2023 (via CloudLinux)
Installed 24 Mar 2023 (via MultiPHP)
8 Dec 2024 8 Dec 2025 8 Dec 2027
8.1 (stable) Installed 5 Dec 2021 (via CloudLinux)
Installed 11 Feb 2022 (via MultiPHP)
25 Nov 2023 25 Nov 2024 25 Nov 2026
8.0 (stable) Installed 10 Aug 2021 (via CloudLinux)
Installed 19 Oct 2021 (via MultiPHP)
26 Nov 2022 26 Nov 2023 26 Nov 2025
7.4 (native/default version) 4 Dec 2021 (via CloudLinux)
4 Jun 2021 (via MultiPHP)
General release: 28 Nov 2019
28 Nov 2021 28 Nov 2022 28 Nov 2024
7.3 (upgrade now!) 14 Feb 2019 (via CloudLinux)
21 Oct 2019 (via MultiPHP)
General release: 6 Dec 2018
6 Dec 2020 6 Dec 2021 6 Dec 2023
7.2 (upgrade now!) Available from 2018
General release: 30 Nov 2017
30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2020 30 Nov 2023
7.1 (imminent removal) Available from 2017
General release: 1 Dec 2016
1 Dec 2018 1 Dec 2019 1 Dec 2022 (imminent removal)
7.0 (removed) Available from 2016
General release: 3 Dec 2015
10 Jan 2018 10 Jan 2019 3 Dec 2021 (removed)
5.6 (removed) Available from 2015
General release: 28 Aug 2014
31 Dec 2017 31 Dec 2018 28 Aug 2021 (removed)
5.5 (removed) Available from 2014
General release: 20 Jun 2013
21 Jul 2016 21 Jul 2016 20 Jun 2021 (removed)
5.4 (removed) Available from 2013
General release: 1 Mar 2012
3 Sep 2014 3 Sep 2015 3 Sep 2020 (removed)
5.3 (removed) Available from 2011
General release: 30 Jun 2009
14 Aug 2013 14 Aug 2014 14 Apr 2020 (removed)

Official list and source: PHP: Supported Versions

Please note - Our web servers receive PHP updates from two sources:
(1) CloudLinux: Our web hosting plans (shared, reseller, enterprise plans) all run on the CloudLinux operating system, and CloudLinux typically distribute a new PHP version within a few weeks of its general release. Please check your cPanel hosting control panel and look for the option "Select a PHP Version" to switch between different versions.
(2) MultiPHP: This is the standard PHP manager provided by cPanel, which we include on any cloud/dedicated server which does not have a CloudLinux license. The cPanel system typically takes a few months to distribute a new PHP version. For example, PHP 7.3 went from general release to MultiPHP availability in 93 days. Please check your cPanel hosting control panel and look for the option "MultiPHP Manager".

IonCube Loaders

For web developers with software using IonCube encoding, please note PHP 5.6 includes IonCube v5, PHP 7.0 includes IonCube v6, PHP 7.1 to 7.4 include IonCube v10 loaders.
The IonCube developers chose to skip over PHP 8.0 and there is no support for it. After a long wait, PHP 8.1 includes IonCube v12 loaders.

Updated by PA on 17/01/2023

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