What's new
Our Australian company Maxer Pty. Limited has a new business bank account. If you have an account with us in Australian dollars, please review this info and update your records. It does NOT impact clients paying in other currencies.In Australia, BankWest plan to stop offering b...
A direct debit is an arrangement between Maxer and your bank, so the fees for your Maxer services can be debited directly from your bank account. There is no paper form; it can be setup online in just a few minutes! The direct debit application can be digitally signed and submi...
We have relaunched our business under a new name MAXER. Our new company website www.maxer.com is now live! On the Maxer website you can manage your client account and all your services. The new website has the same functionality and a similar look & feel to the Spiral Hos...
We have switched our primary payment processor to a new provider. This impacts all payments made by Visa, Mastercard and Amex cards. The switchover will improve the checkout experience and reduce declined payments. It follows two months of trials. The switchover does not impact...