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Please don't give anyone access to your own client area account. If you want to give access to your developer, business colleagues or another appropriate contact, please create a user for them via your client area. You can grant each user access to the client area with appropriate permissions to your Maxer Host account and its domains/services. You can also add them as contacts to grant them permission to reach out to us on your behalf or have them receive copies of certain emails from us.

Managing User Accounts

User accounts will enable trusted people (like colleagues, web developers, IT people) to login to the client area with their own email and password and access all or only certain parts of your Maxer account.

We recommend user accounts for partners or team members in a business who share the management of their site or hosting, or someone trusted who may need to gain access at some point if the account owner is not available.

Inviting a new user

To invite a new user to your account, please follow these steps:

  • Login to your Maxer Host client area at
  • Click on "My Account" in the navigation bar and select User Management
  • Click on the "Invite New User" button
  • Enter the email address of the person who should get access
  • Select "All Permissions" if the user should have complete access
    • Otherwise, please select "Choose Permissions" and choose the appropriate permissions
  • Click on the "Send Invite" button

If the invitee already has an existing user account at Maxer, they will be able to access your account using their existing login credentials. If the user does not yet have a Maxer user account, they will be sent a link to create a new account.

On the 'User Management' page, you will be able to track the status of your invitation, manage users, add/remove permissions, etc.

Creating a New User During Checkout

If you are logged in to your Maxer account, you can choose to create a new account for the items in the cart during checkout. In this case, our system will assign account ownership for the new account to the logged-in user.

To do this:

  1. During the checkout process, select Create a New Account under Choose Account
  2. Fill out the form that appears.
  3. Continue with the usual checkout process.

Managing Contacts

Another option is to add contacts, in which case a third-party wouldn't have access to the client area and your Maxer Host account, but they would be authorised to contact us and receive copies of certain emails from us, depending on your selection.

Please note that if your developers, colleagues or anyone else contact our technical support and you haven't added them as a contact, the level of technical support we can provide will be very limited for security and privacy reasons. In order to assist, we will ask them to contact you as the account owner to have them added as a contact or sub-account before proceeding further.

Adding a New Contact

To add a new contact, please follow these steps:

  • Login to your Maxer Host client area at
  • Click on "My Account" in the navigation bar and select Contacts
  • Select "Add a New Contact" from the drop-down list
  • Under the "Contact Details" section, enter the full contact details
    • If any of the contact details are unknown, you can enter your own information
  • Under "Email Preferences", select which emails this contact should receive (as a copy)
  • Click on the "Save Changes" button

Changing Email Preferences of a Contact

To change which emails an existing contact should receive, please follow these steps:

  • Login to your Maxer Host client area at
  • Click on "My Account" in the navigation bar and select Contacts
  • Select an existing contact from the drop-down list
  • Under "Email Preferences", select which emails this contact should receive (as a copy)
  • Click on the "Save Changes" button

Removing a Contact

To remove an existing contact, please follow these steps:

  • Login to your Maxer Host client area at
  • Click on "My Account" in the navigation bar and select Contacts
  • Select the contact that should be removed from the drop-down list
  • At the bottom of the page, click on the "Delete Contact" button

Backup Email Contact or User

If you have signed up to Maxer Host using your business email address under the same domain that is hosted on our servers, please consider adding a second email address (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo! Mail, etc.) as a contact. This would be useful in case of an outage, if you lose access to your main email account, in case of delivery issues, etc. You would then receive copies of our emails to the secondary email address.

You can also create an additional user as a backup, in case you are no longer able to access your main account. The additional user could also be assigned lower access rights as a security measure and be used when you login from an untrusted location.

Team Users for cPanel

At the time of this writing, cPanel currently doesn't support sub-user accounts with access to the cPanel interface. Currently, it's only possible to add sub-users with access to an email account, FTP and Web Disk. Please check the cPanel documentation for more information: User Manager | cPanel & WHM Documentation

In the upcoming major version of cPanel, the Manage Team feature will be added as an experimental feature and will allow you to create and manage team users with access to the cPanel and/or WHM interface. Since this feature will be "experimental" and not recommended to be used in a production environment, it will not be immediately available with our shared/reseller hosting services until it's deemed to be stable. However, we should be able to enable this feature on request in isolated hosting environments (i.e. Cloud, VPS or Dedicated Servers) once cPanel version 108 reaches the "Release" or "Stable" tier (probably in Q1 or Q2 2023).

For more information about the Manage Team feature, please refer to the Manage Team Roadmap | cPanel & WHM Documentation.

Updated by SP on 06/01/2023

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